What to expect...
Congratulations on your new permanent makeup! You are looking FABULOUS! I know this is a lot of information to take in and to remember! Some of this may even disrupt areas in your everyday life style, but I cannot express enough how important your Pre/Post Care is! Your tattoos will NOT heal properly if you do/don't do any of the above...and it will be a sad day when your permanent makeup doesn't heal properly. Failure to adhere to these pre/post care instructions may result to infections or poorly healed results. This is an investment, so INVEST.
Your tattoo will go through a few stages, don't worry, these stages are normal, and in the end will all be worth it! There will be minor scabbing and flaking (which will vary), since your skin is trying to repair itself, essentially. As your skin heals, you might notice fading. The pigment will show back through shortly, and after your second session, your permanent makeup will be complete!
Everyone is different. Everyone will heal differently. I will do my BEST to meet your expectations, and accommodate as many people as I can. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or message me!
Thank you for trusting me with your gorgeous face! Below is a fun chart further explaining your full healing process! (Results may vary)
*All permanent makeup procedures are a two-step process and require two appointments.
Aftercare for lip blushing
The color of your permanent make up procedure will be 50% darker immediately after the treatment. Do not worry it will start to get lighter between 4 to 10 days. This is perfectly normal and the true healed color will take about 6 to 8 weeks to come through. In some cases, it can look like the permanent make up pigment color has disappeared which is due to the healing layers of the skin obscuring the color temporarily. At this point, you just have to let it develop and certainly do not have any further permanent cosmetics work carried out during the 6 to 8 weeks period. Your skin will be temporarily sensitized after the treatment, and you should adhere to the following instructions for the next seven (7) days. This will help avoid infection, and will allow time for the skin to recover.
If you apply make up during the seven days following the treatment, you do so at your own risk.
Continue to take L lysine pills three times a day after the procedure for five days as a precaution for a potential cold sore break out. Cold sores usually occur 3 to 4 days after the procedure if the client is cold sore prone, or if the virus laid dormant. Sometimes you carry the virus without knowing.
You can cleanse the treatment area two or three times a day if needed, using warm water, and a lint free wipe with antibacterial soap
For the first day or so, you will notice a lymph fluid leaking from your lips (this is normal). For this reason, wipe your lips hard every hour or every so often with a cotton round. This will help with your lips from getting too crusty. If you wake up in the morning, and your lips are yellow, do not panic (it’s crust). You can clean that off and apply Aquaphor to the treated area.
Apply A&E ointment, or Aquaphor, with a cotton swab only (no fingers) for the first 2 to 3 days often and keep your lips moist. Before bed use less Aquaphor, so your lips can breathe. When your lips start peeling use less Aquaphor (the more you use, the faster they pill, and we want the color to stay on your lips as long as possible).
Healing will take up to 6 to 8 weeks and it is perfectly normal for the treated area to scab. These scabs will fall off within a few days. In some cases, healing can take a little longer than eight weeks (for dark lips).
It is normal for the color to fade during the two weeks following the treatment. During the post treatment, please try to avoid the following:
• Spicy salty food
• Kissing
• Facial treatments, waxing, and using any form of bleach
• Any oppressor products, rough towels, or similar
• Avoid getting them wet unless you’re cleaning them
DO NOT TOUCH or PICK the small scabs that may appear after the treatments. Let them sloth off naturally, otherwise you may disrupt the pigment retention.
AVOID sunbathing, tanning beds, hot baths, saunas, steam, swimming pools, salt water, and any direct shower spray on the treated area. If the area does get wet, just pat dry with a Kleenex. Should infection occur, seek medical attention!
*Failure to follow after care instructions may result in pigment loss or even scarring.
*All permanent makeup procedures are a two-step process and require two appointments
After care for powder brows
avoid all contact with water for seven days on treated area
If water gets on pigmented area dab lightly with dry towel
Do not touch pigmented area with bare hands, always use clean Q-tips
Apply A&E ointment twice a day starting on day three until scabbing is done
Use the size of a grain of rice, very small amount
No make up, tinting, lashes, waxing, sun/artificial sun, soaps, saunas, Jacuzzis, swimming, or spray tans until healing is completed
Lactic acid and products with glycolic acid will fade your pigmented area
If you experience any swelling, blistering, or any other complications, call your technician, and cease use of topical ointment for healing
If you have excess redness, swelling, tenderness, any red streaks from the procedure site towards the heart, elevated temperature, or purulent drainage from the procedure site, contact your physician as the area may be infected
General rule of thumb-keep the procedure area dry and clean
Failure to follow instructions may result in pigment loss or scarring
*All permanent makeup procedures are a two-step process and require two appointments